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Sports Massage for long distance running, marathons and ULTRAS

As well as being a treat, getting a massage complements and enhances your training efforts.

Introducing sports massage into your training regime, not only feels great but helps speed up recovery after a long run, reduces muscle soreness, enhances flexibility and is also helpful for injury healing.

With the demand on the body for an endurance runner, Sports massage consists of a combination of techniques including deep tissue massage, stretching, trigger point therapy and fascia release.

Sports massages will address:

Injury management, especially for any chronic injuries

Pre- race preparation and injury prevention

Post-race recovery


Massage treatments

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It involves slow, deliberate strokes and deep pressure, especially in areas where there is tension or injury. Deep tissue massage is to alleviate pain, reduce muscle knots, and help circulation to promote healing and better flexibility.

Trigger Points

Trigger points, are tender spots within your muscle bands that can weaken the muscles but also radiate pain elsewhere.

Massage therapists will apply sustained pressure to alleviate them.

Ideal for runners wanting to address persistent pain, flexibility, and muscle strength.

Fascia release work

The fascia is a complex web of connective tissues surrounding the muscles and organs. During fascia-focused therapy, massage therapists use gentle hand pressure to find myofascial regions that feel rigid rather than supple.

These affected areas restrict muscle and joint mobility, and contribute to muscle discomfort. By manipulation, the therapist enhances the fascia’s elasticity, which will alleviate pain and promote freer movement.

How does massage improve performance and recovery for runners

Recovery: Sports massage accelerates recuperation, especially for endurance runners. This is because massage improves blood flow, delivering essential nutrients to muscle tissues. Enhanced circulation also helps in the removal of metabolic waste, further speeding up the recovery process.

Spotting Trouble Areas: Through massage, you can find areas of tightness and muscle restriction. These will be relieved by massage or athletes can adjust their training techniques to prevent overloading certain muscles. This ensures that problems are addressed before they escalate.

Minimizing Injury Risks: Regular massage will help in breaking down scar tissue and prevent muscle knots. It facilitates the alignment of muscle fibers by breaking down knots which can form due to overuse or strain.

Promotes Muscle Suppleness: Sports massages ensure muscles remain flexible and work together at their best. Flexible muscles are less likely to suffer strains or sprains. Supple muscles can take on more intense training and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

When to have a Massage?

Often it is best to book their massage sessions on lighter training days. This timing allows for addressing muscle tightness and ensures enough recovery time. It is also beneficial to have a massage post run.

For endurance running, it is recommended to incorporate regular massages into your routine.

Post-Run Massage:

Getting a massage shortly after completing a marathon or ULTRA will be super beneficial.

Post-marathon massages differ from the usual treatments. The main objective is to assist the lymphatic system in eliminating waste and speeding up recovery. The massage strokes are gentler and more rhythmic. With the muscle wear and tear from the prolonged run, these massages will be on the lighter side.

Sports massage as component of long-distance running training is an Indispensable and a strategic tool for performance.

The benefits, from tackling trigger points and fascia release have profound implications for a runner’s longevity, agility, and recovery.

As well as the immediate comfort and relaxation, the effects of regular sports massages can help to get you to the start line in good health or even help you achieve personal best.

Equilibrium Massage Chamonix with Ruth Martin

Ruth Martin, Sports and Restorative Massage Therapist (BTEC L5) presents EQUILIBRIUM – a one-stop Massage & Bodywork operation to optimise your body and mind’s performance and wellbeing, whether for mountain sports or everyday life.

Every body is different and Ruth Martin’s massage treatments are adapted uniquely to you, whether you want a technical sports massage, total relaxation treatment, deep tissue massage, myofascial therapy or hot stone massage.

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