100% natural Approved by athletes and therapists

Our history

Activity and exercise to feel good

Creating Recovery Balm

Recovery balm was created for use in the sports environment of Chamonix to help with exercise recovery. It has now become a trusted product for people from all diversities who feel better while staying active and exercising regularly .

It has been developed and tested by athletes, and it is now used used by therapists and people from all walks of life.

I have been mainly driven, by seeing how it has eased my mum’s arthritis pain. She uses the balm on her knees so she can continue sports and activities like tennis and biking. She also depends on it at night to soothe the pain that disrupts her sleep.

With this, and the great results my customers are experiencing, there is no option but to keep the recovery balm movement strong and to help more people keep up activity and exercise to feel good.

At Recovery Balm, we believe that nature offers valuable solutions, and our plant-based balms with anti-inflammatory, soothing, and moisturising properties is a testament to that.

Activity and exercise to feel good, recovery balm
Activity and exercise to feel good

Massage Therapy & Sport

We are committed to also equipping therapists with Recovery Balm, our aim is to ease clients’ discomfort and reduce reliance on painkillers, enabling them to stay active.

We believe sport and exercise is a way of life and it should be a part of every aspect of our lifestyle. Our physical health has direct impact on how we feel mentally and our energy levels are then reflected in that too. 
Recovery balm is a mindful solution to encourage activity and exercise to feel good and in the best health that can be.

Physical activity is not only good for your body, equally essential in nurturing a healthy and balanced mind.

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