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CBD, camomille & mint tea

CBD, camomille & mint tea

“Lovely tasting tea and very calming,” H Smith

CBD herbal tea: A unique blend of relaxing herbs to calm the mind especially for a good nights sleep.


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CBD camomile and mint tea

CBD camomille and mint tea, enjoy this delicious tea to feel calm and as an evening relaxant promoting a good nights sleep.

We have combined calming hemp CBD leaf tea with peppermint, which is an excellent digestif for after dinner.

It also works in harmony with the camomille which is soothing and anti-inflammatory.

The effects of these herbs can only be relaxing, calming and a perfect evening tea to get you ready for a good nights sleep.

If you suffer with aches or muscular discomfort,  hemp can be a helpful relief. Including hemp tea in your routine may help to relax the body and calm discomfort.

CBD camomille and mint tea

Why CBD tea?

CBD tea is both natural and safe.

Try it out for yourself and discover the many benefits of our CBD tea.

↻  Help regulate sleep patterns, so you can get the restorative rest you need to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

↻  Maintain calm and focus, making it easier to navigate everyday stressors.

↻  Restore and boost your body’s natural systems to achieve a state of equilibrium and good health.

↻  Feel more comfortable and at ease, by aiding recovery from inflammation

CBD camomile and mint tea​

CBD Tea ingredients

Each packet of herbal tea (25gr) contains:

7 gr of hemp CBD

CBD camomille and mint relaxing tea

Both grown organically and in optimal climatic conditions, on unpolluted soil.

How to use CBD tea 

Open the packet and enjoy the herbal aroma while putting about a tablespoon of the tea mixture into your cup or stainer.

Boil your water, wait a minute so it cools slightly so will not burn the tea mix.

Then pour into your cup. Leave to brew for 3 minutes.Add honey or sugar if desired.

Leave the tea in the cup and drink or strain (you can eat the herbs/ leaves).

Pour more water over what is left in the cup for another delicious brew.

CBD camomile and mint tea​

100% natural

Pure, healthy and gentle for your body.




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